Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fair Trade in Latin America

What are the real benefits of the Fair Trade movement? Can the benefits of Fair Trade be sustained over time? Can Fair Trade grow to encompass a greater number of farmers and communities throughout the developing world? Can Fair Trade be expanded to encompass not only poor farmers, but also other sectors connecting Southern producers and Northern consumers?

Answering these questions is an ambitious and long-term venture. In the fall of 2001, the Fair Trade Research Group (FTRG), a North/South Research Network based at CSU, began work on one important dimension of this broader research agenda: assessing the impact of Fair Trade on coffee producers in Latin America.

FTRG carried out case studies in Mexico and Central America to generate information on how Fair Trade was developing in the region. The results are the basis for the final report, One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fair Trade in Latin America, prepared by Douglas Murray, Laura T. Raynolds, and Peter Leigh Taylor.

Access to the supporting documents and case studies are available through the links below:

Key Publication #2 Link to final report.

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