Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

Graduate Students & Funding
CFAT students research various fair and alternative trade initiatives. Learn more about their research and interests…
CFAT currently provides funding for one Research Assistant each year and additional positions based on project funding. External grants may be available for international scholars. Learn more about currently available Graduate Funding Opportunities…
Undergraduate Internships
CFAT undergraduate students may enhance their professional skills by gaining critical internship experience in an organization or company that is devoted to the pursuit of global-local social justice and sustainability. There are numerous opportunities to become involved with initiatives in the Fort Collins area, as well as more broadly. Learn more about potential internship site...
Graduate Courses:
- SOC 660: Theories of Development and Social Change
- SOC 666: Globalization and Socioeconomic Restructuring
- SOC 667: State, Economy and Society
- SOC 669: International Inequality and Change
- POLS 580: Transnational Social Regulation
- POLS 692: Green Production, Just Production
- AM 505: Socially Responsible Apparel: Global Policy
- AM 506: Culture and Work in the Apparel Industry
Undergraduate Courses:
- SOC 364: Food, Agriculture, and Globalization