Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

• The Handbook of Research on Fair Trade (2015), L. Raynolds & E. Bennett (Eds). The first of its kind, this volume brings together 43 of the world’s foremost fair trade scholars from across the social sciences to synthesize existing research, evaluate key debates and identify critical questions. To order... Hardback... | E-book...
• Fairtrade, Certification, and Labor: Global and Local Tensions in Improving Conditions for Agricultural Workers (2014): Cited by over 100 sources.
• Fair Trade: Social Regulation in Global Food Markets (2012): One of the journal’s top cited articles, nearing 200 citations.
• Mainstreaming Fair Trade Coffee: From Partnership to Traceability (2009): The journal’s 5th most cited article, with 500 citations.
• Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization (2007): Editors L. Raynolds, D. Murray, and J. Wilkinson provide the bestselling analysis of Fair Trade. To order...
• The Globalization of Organic Agro-Food Networks (2004): This highly influential article has been cited nearly 800 times.
• One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fair Trade in Latin America (2003): This report and related case studies assess Fair Trade’s impacts on coffee producers…
• Consumer/Producer Links in Fair Trade Coffee Networks (2002): One of the journal's top five most read articles, cited over 700 times.
• Re-embedding Global Agriculture: the International Organic and Fair Trade Movements (2000): The journal's second most cited and downloaded article, referenced over 900 times.
CFAT is currently conducting research on the following topics:
Raynolds, Laura T. “Can Certification Increase Trade Fairness and Worker Empowerment? Lessons from Fairtrade International Certified Plantations in Ecuador.” International Sociology. 37 (6): 716-739, 2022.
Raynolds, Laura T. “Gender Equity, Labor Rights and Women's Empowerment: Lessons from Fairtrade Certification in Ecuador Flower Plantations.” Agriculture and Human Values, 38: 657-675, 2021.
Raynolds, Laura T. & Claudia Rosty “Fair Trade USA Coffee Plantation Certification: Ramifications for Workers in Nicaragua.” Development Policy Review 00: 1-20, 2020.
Weeks, Nefratiri & Laura T. Raynolds “Fair Trade Foods.” In H. Meiselman (ed.) Handbook on Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Springer, 2019.