Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

CFAT in the Press


Raynolds, Laura. “Fair Trade Expert Interview on Certified February 2011.


Raynolds, Laura.“Fair Trade Movement, Markets, and Research.” Digital Development Debates. December 2010.

Rogers, Heather. “Sweet and Lowdown: Would you like some deforestation with your organic sugar? Sure, say Big Organic and the feds.” Mother Jones, May/June 2010.

Garcia, Deanna. “Center for Fair and Alternative Trade to study Rooibos tea farmers in South Africa.” KUNC Radio. February 10, 2010.

Sorensen, Kimberly. “Researchers study women and fair trade in Ecuador and South Africa.” Today at Colorado State. February 10, 2010.


Ebeling, Ashlea.Ten Thousand Villages Grows With Fair Trade. Forbes Magazine, September 07, 2009.

Young, David. Community lends hand through fair trade: Concept is one of pursuing trade and relations that are fair to the producers.” The Coloradoan. August 30, 2009.

Velasquez-Manoff, Moises. The challenge of fair-trade chocolate: Fair trade brought sweet success to Dominican cacao farmers. Why more demand might take profits away.” The Christian Science Monitor. June 9, 2009 edition.


Christophe Alliot, Christophe Maldidier, Santiago Paz López, and Laura T. Raynolds. “Commerce équitable
La crise de croissance?”
Courrier de la Planète, 87 (Julliet-Sept. 2008). Montpellier, France.

Douglas L. Murray, “Fair Trade Efforts Reshaping Global Economy.” Colorado State Magazine, Spring 2008.

Laura T. Raynolds and Douglas L. Murray. The Fair Trade Future.Policy Innovations, January 31, 2008. New York: Carnegie Council.

Runo Isakasen, “The Emergence of a Global Conscience,” special issue on “Trade, Not Aid?” Global Knowledge, December 2008.

Jennifer Whitson, Fair trade frenzy drives retailer’s sales.” Indianapolis Business Journal, July 19, 2008.

Emanuele Lapierre-Fortin, “Threads of Wrath” documentary film about cotton production in Burkina Faso.


Fair Trade Labeling Special Issue, Congressional Quarterly Researcher 17(19): 433-456: 2007.


Laura T. Raynolds, The Organic and Fair Trade Movements: Fostering Global Ecological Sustainability and Social Justice.” The Optimist Magazine, Geneva : Green Cross International. Autumn.

Margo Adler,Alleviating World Poverty.” Radio interview of Laura Raynolds on National Public Radio, “Justice Talking.” October 16, 2006.

Tyler Bridges, “Latin America Finds the Green in Organic.” Miami Herald, December 18, 2006.

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