Center for Fair & Alternative Trade


Fair Trade Institute Website

Summer 2018. CFAT is very pleased to announce the launch of the newly updated Fair Trade Institute website, the world’s most comprehensive collection of fair trade publications and resources! CFAT Director Laura Raynolds and Graduate Student Assistant Nefratiri Weeks have led the website redesign, working over the past year in collaboration with Fair Trade Institute […] more

Handbook of Research on Fair Trade

Winter 2015. The long awaited Handbook of Research on Fair Trade is now available! Laura Raynolds and Elizabeth Bennett (eds) assemble 30 chapters by the world’s foremost fair trade scholars. The Handbook serves as both a comprehensive overview and in-depth guide to dominant perspectives and concerns… more

Fair Trade Handbook

Summer 2014. CFAT announces Handbook of Research on Fair Trade (2015). The first of its kind, this volume will provide a synthetic overview and guide to cutting edge research, theory, and debates. Laura Raynolds and Elizabeth Bennett (eds) assemble 30 chapters by the world’s foremost fair trade scholars… more

Ethical Trade Leadership Circle

Spring 2013. CFAT announces the establishment of the Ethical Trade Leadership Circle (ETLC). The ETLC will facilitate the Center’s mission of advancing the vision and practices of ethical trade on a global scale by connecting research with practice, social science with policy… more

CFAT: The First Five Years

Summer 2012. CFAT formed in 2005-06 and became a fully established University Center in 2008. During its first five years, the Center has completed a number of ambitious initiatives. In addition to producing widely-cited publications, we have instituted a multidisciplinary seminar series and… more

Participant Action Research on Inequality & Fair Trade

Spring 2011. CFAT’s newest project investigates Fair Trade in South Africa and improves market access for emerging farmers in the Rooibos tea sector. This collaborative effort is developing an innovative model for advancing participatory action research and addressing entrenched inequalities… more

Path Breaking Research on Fair Trade Flowers

Summer 2010. CFAT is conducting exciting new research on Fair Trade flowers produced in Ecuador for sale in the United States. It is the first ever research project on Latin American Fair Trade flowers and the first comprehensive investigation of Fair Trade’s impacts on waged workers in the region… more

CFAT Collaborates with Downtown Development Authority

Fall 2009. For the past year, CFAT has been working closely with organizations and activists in the local community to create a Community Marketplace for Fort Collins, Colorado – our hometown. Our goal is to make the Community Marketplace about more than just Fort Collins and local food. We aim to make it a place where the needs of communities from all over the world are valued… more

New Book on Fair Trade

Summer 2009. CFAT Directors Laura Raynolds and Doug Murray co-edited along with John Wilkinson the book Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization. The book explores the challenges and potential of Fair Trade, one of the world’s most dynamic efforts to enhance global social justice and environmental sustainability through market based social change… more