Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

Conscious Consumer Trust

The CFAT team is providing technical support for a soon-to-be launched independent, community-based initiative – the Conscious Consumer Trust – a think tank dedicated to the promotion of social equity both locally and globally. The CCT will pursue a multi-faceted agenda that includes public education, training and consultation, and social enterprise acceleration. CFAT will provide support for several CCT projects, including two non-profit programs:

Further, the Conscious Consumer Trust will initiate a social business acceleration program in support of its first two real-world examples of for-profit and non-profit enterprises:

The relationship between CFAT and CCT is designed to ensure that CCT and any of its projects incorporate the highest standards of social equity possible. To this end, CCT will foster a long-term subcontracted relationship with CFAT. In addition, the CCT will donate 5% of its annual net revenues to CFAT. The CCT is currently in the process of developing a 501(c)3 status, pursuing donor support and establishing an organizational endowment. For further information contact Ana Arias at

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Photo by Juanita