Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

To assist undergraduate students in locating an outstanding internship experience, the Center for Fair & Alternative Trade has compiled a list of potential sites. While this list is by no means complete, we include a variety of organizations and companies that are working to promote fair and alternative trade, sustainable enterprise, and global-local social justice. The groups listed below have indicated an interest in working with Sociology undergraduate students to complete their 150-hour internship requirement. While many of these entities are based in Fort Collins, we have more broadly included organizations located in other states. Some of these offer remote internships, but others require students to relocate to these areas for the duration of the internship.
It is your responsibility to contact a possible group to request an internship and negotiate the terms of agreement. The entities listed below retain the right to hire interns at their own discretion, and there is no guarantee of an opening when you apply. It is impossible to maintain the most up-to-date information; thus we encourage you to conduct your own internet search of these and other groups of interest. We also urge you to research internship opportunities well in advance, and to contact multiple potential sites so that you may find the best fit and gain the most from your experience. For more information about the Sociology internship program requirements and registering for the Internship (SOC487) and Internship Seminar (SOC492), please visit the Department of Sociology’s webpage at
Center for Fair & Alternative Trade
Contact Laura Raynolds or Douglas Murray
City of Fort Collins, Department of Social Sustainability
Contact Mary Atchison
Cultural Strategy Group
Contact Douglas Holt
223 Jefferson Street, Fort Collins, CO
Fair Trade Federation
100 W 10th Street, Suite 1105, Wilmington, DE 19801 *No remote internships available*
Fair Trade USA
1500 Broadway Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94612
*Apply through website*
Fort Collins Food Cooperative
Contact Lynn Chriestenson
Global Exchange
Contact Kylie Nealis
2017 Mission Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94110
415-255-7296 ext 257
Reach Trade
Reach Trade
Contact Paul Cebul
Dan Hildebrandt
Sustainable Schools International
Sustainable Schools International
Contact Maureen DeCoursey
Tasty Harmony
Contact Sacha Steinhauser
130 S Mason St, Fort Collins, CO
Ten Thousand Villages
Contact Wendy Poppen
113 Linden Street, Fort Collins, CO
Trees, Water, and People
Contact Rachel Buck
970-484-3678 ext 12
United Students Against Sweatshops
Contact Jan Van Tol
1150 17th St NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036
*Student organizers needed*
Village Earth
Contact Dave Bartecchi
Room 110, Daryl Simons Building, CSU Foothills Campus
970-237-3002 (Phone)
970-237-3026 (Fax)
Yobel International
Yobel International
Contact Sarah Ray