Center for Fair & Alternative Trade

Seminar Series

Advancing Social and Environmental Sustainability through Fairtrade by Laura Raynolds

Presented by Laura Raynolds, Professor, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University Laura Raynolds “Advancing Social and Environmental Sustainability through Fairtrade.” Poster prepared for School of Global Environmental Sustainability Virtual Showcase, May 2020

Social Certification Programs in US Agriculture: Quantifying Impacts on Workers by Alexandra Hill

Presented by Alexandra Hill, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University On Thursday, November 21, 2019, Dr. Alexandra Hill presented proposed research on the impacts of social certification programs in US agriculture. The project is joint with Gail Feenstra, Christy Getz, and Ron Strochlic – researchers at the University of California, Davis […]

Fair Trade USA Certification of Coffee Plantations: A Feasible Solution for Rural Workers’ Empowerment in Nicaragua and Brazil? by Claudia Rosty

Presented by Claudia Rosty, PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University

Resetting the Good Food Table: Los Angeles Labor and Food Justice Alliances for Good Jobs by Joshua Sbicca

Presented by Joshua Sbicca, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University

Socially Responsible Business Practices and Ethical Consumption Decisions by Sonali Diddi

Presented by Sonali Diddi, Assistant Professor in CSU’s Department of Design and Merchandising

“La misma realidad de cada lugar es diferente” (“The same reality of each place is different”): Case study of an organic farmers’ market in Lima, Peru by Kevin Cody

Presented by Kevin Cody – PhD candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz

"Evaluating the Community Economic Impacts of Policies Supporting Alternative Food Systems" by Becca Jablonski

Presented by Becca Jablonski – PhD in the Dept of City and Regional Planning at Cornell and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dept of Agricultural and Resource Economics at CSU

"The Failure to Promote Living Wages in the Garment Sector: Certification, Corporate Social Responsibility, Labeling, and other Efforts" by Robert Ross

Presented by Robert J. S. Ross, Professor of Sociology and Director of International Studies at Clark University and author of Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops.

"Fair Trade Enterprises: Inspirations, Lessons, and Opportunities" Alaina Paradise & Christina Stimson

Presented by Alaina Paradise (Founder and Director of One World Flowers), and Christina Stimson (Founder and Director of Fair World Partners).

"Voluntary corporate governance systems: Astounding growth, immanent success, and emerging challenges" Michael Conroy

Presented by Michael Conroy, Chair of the Forest Stewardship Council International Board of Directors, Chair of the Equitable Origin Standards Board of Directors, and Former Chair of the Fair Trade USA Board of Directors.

"Counter-movement, Neoliberal Platoon, or Re-Gifting Depot? Understanding Decommodification in U.S. Food Banks" John Lindenbaum

Presented by John Lindenbaum, CSU Anthropology/Geography, Ph.D. Geography, University of California, Berkeley

"When do INGOs Address Global Inequalities in their own Ranks? Fair Trade and the Balance of Power Between North and South" Elizabeth A. Bennett

Elizabeth A. Bennett, Brown University Political Science PhD Candidate and CFAT Visiting Research Associate

“Can We Do Social Justice Research? The Food Dignity Case with Community Food Systems for Economic Development, Sustainability, and Democracy” Christine M. Porter

Christine M. Porter, Assistant Professor of Public Health, Division of Kinesiology & Health at the University of Wyoming and CFAT Associate

"New Methods for Sustainable Development: Participatory Commodity Networking within South Africa’s Emerging Rooibos Tea Sector" Jennifer Keahey

Jennifer Keahey, CSU Sociology Doctoral Candidate & CFAT Research Assistant

"What Does a Socially Sustainable Community Look Like?" Douglas Murray and Lynn Hempel

CFAT Co-Director Douglas Murray and Lynn Hempel, Assistant Professor of Sociology, CSU

"Fair Trade USA's Split from FLO: Issues and Implications" Laura T. Raynolds and Douglas L. Murray

Laura T. Raynolds and Douglas L. Murray, CFAT Co-Directors, CSU

"Exploring the New FairWild Certification and Work as a Development Practitioner" Maureen DeCoursey

Maureen DeCoursey, Private Consultant and CFAT Associate, Fort Collins

"Fairtrade in Japan in a Nutshell: Why and How It Is So Different" Koh Kitazawa

Koh Kitazawa, Coordinator of the Fairtrade Resource Center, Japan

“PAR Methodologies for the 21st Century” Sandra Kruger

Sandra Kruger, Director, Sandra Kruger & Associates, South Africa

“From Varieties of Capitalism to Varieties of Activism?: The Anti-Sweatshop Movement in Comparative Perspective” Jennifer Bair

Dr. Jennifer Bair, Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Colorado-Boulder

“From Plant to Plate: Envisioning the Northern Colorado Food System”

Dr. Dawn Thilmany, Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, CSU

“A Business Approach to Marketing & Potential Openings for Consumer-Based Social Movements”

Dr. Tuba Ustüner, Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business, CSU

"The Meaning of Markets: Imagining a North American Domestic Fair Trade Initiative"

Emily Thorn, Ph.D. Student & CFAT Graduate Student

"Understanding & Evaluating Ethical Consumption in Colorado"

Michael Long, Ph.D. Candidate & CFAT Graduate Student

"Fair Flowers: Fair Trade, Gender & Socio-Economic Conditions in the Global Cut Flower Network"

Laura T. Raynolds, CFAT Co-director & Professor of Sociology, CSU

"Cultivating Cooperativismo: An Ethnography of Communication in Nicaraguan Fair Trade Cooperative Meetings"

Leah Sprain, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, CSU

“Challenging Commodity Chains with Brand Politics: The Ethiopian Coffee Sector vs. Starbucks”

Douglas B. Holt, Professor of Marketing, University of Oxford

“From Conscious Consumerism to Virtuous Communities”

Douglas Murray, CFAT Co-director and Professor

"Critical Linkages in Social Responsibility"

Molly Eckman, CSU Professor of Design & Merchandising

“Fair Trade: Broadening and Deepening in Economic, Social and Political Domains”

Tatsuya Watanabe, Tokyo University of Economics

“An Exploration of the Beliefs of Ethical Consumers towards Wool Apparel Consumption”

Jo Sneddon, University of Western Australia

“Fair Trade and Community Empowerment: Impacts in the Sugar and Tea Sectors of Southern Malawi”

David Phillips, Newcastle University, UK